Thursday 9 August 2012

Under a fiver creation of the week!

To make this comic book diary I bought a plain black diary from Poundland and an old comic book from a charity shop for £1.50.I cut the page to size then applied a thin layer of PVA glue(from pound land) to the front of the diary and placed the paper on top . I then put another thin layer of glue on top to seal it!

 The possibilities with this idea are endless! You could use old maps or  wrapping paper with a vintage style print.A nice diary can cost anywhere between £10-25 pounds.A home made one cost me £2.50 and makes a great personalized gift.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Nailed it!

 Occasionally we all need a little treat, something guilt free , and more importantly something that doesn't break the bank!
 What other essential beauty product could you buy for £1.00 - £3.00 that will cover a whole seasons trend ?

This months it's all been about pastels! 

Living on a lower income: I consider the chances of finding something to wear in the charity shops that will follow a current trend is very low . (But)
Nail varnish is one key piece that you can use to change a look and follow a trend. 

For example: I cannot wear any pastel color clothing because I end up looking four years old and it does nothing for my skin tone.But can I get away with the colors on my nails or toe nails ,Hell yeah! 

What other product comes in thousands of shades and can update an outfit for less than a fiver. Can't Think of one !